


2023年08月30日、イギリス議会下院の外交委員会は、中国に痛打を食らわせる「Tilting horizons: the Integrated Review and the Indo-Pacific」というリポートを出しました。



Taiwan’s international status
De facto independence

141. Although Chinese officials claim that Taiwan has been part of China for 1,800 years,115 it was only when the Manchu Empire took control of China and Taiwan that China ruled there. However just as the British Empire took control of India and Sri Lanka at the same time, it did not make Sri Lanka part of India. The Qing emperors exercised suzerainty over Taiwan from 1683 to 1895, when it was ceded to Japan. From 1945 to 1949 Chiang Kai-shek ruled Taiwan from the mainland, but the PRC has never ruled Taiwan, it has instead consistently demonstrated a determination to take Taiwan ever since its aborted invasion of the island in 1949 to distract from domestic woes, be it the COVID-19 pandemic or crises in the Chinese economy.





142. Taiwan is already an independent country, under the name Republic of China (ROC). Taiwan possesses all the qualifications for statehood, including a permanent population, a defined territory, government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other states—it is only lacking greater international recognition.116 Taiwan’s government has not made an official proclamation of independence—because China regards that as a casus belli—but President Tsai Ing-wen states that this is because Taiwan is “an independent country already” so has no need to declare itself an independent state,117 although we noted that during our visit the vast majority of political interlocutors wanted to uphold the status quo, not declare full independence or become a province of the PRC.


台湾は、恒久的な人口、明確な領土、政府、他国と関係を結ぶ能力など、国家としての資格を全て備えている。しかし、蔡英文総統は、台湾は「すでに独立国」であり、独立を宣言する必要がないと述べている117 。

Taiwan people don’t want to be part of China

143. Extensive opinion polling shows there is little to no desire amongst the Taiwanese public to be ruled by the PRC. In recent years there has been a steady decline in support for both immediate and eventual unification with China. While the preservation of the status quo remains the most popular choice, support for independence has grown. The percentage of people in Taiwan self-identifying as exclusively Taiwanese has reached a record 66% while the percentage of people identifying as both Chinese and Taiwanese is 28% and the proportion identifying themselves as exclusively Chinese has collapsed to 4%.118, 119

143. 広範な世論調査によれば、台湾の人々の間には、中国に支配されることを望む声はほとんどない。



台湾の人々のうち、専ら台湾人であると自認する人の割合は過去最高の66%に達しているが、中国人と台湾人の両方であると自認する人の割合は28%、専ら中国人であると自認する人の割合は4%にまで減少している118, 119。

China’s threat to use force

144. China has been developing its military with the taking of Taiwan, via force or coercion, in mind.120 The future of Taiwan should be of concern to any country concerned with preserving the existing international order, as any attempt to take Taiwan using military force would be an affront to the principle of state sovereignty and would also alter the balance of power in the Pacific, threatening Japan’s security, interrupt 30% of global trade, and give China greater ability to force project its military.121

144. 軍事力を使って台湾を奪おうとするいかなる試みも、国家主権の原則に対する冒涜であり、また太平洋のパワーバランスを変化させ、日本の安全を脅かし、世界貿易の30%を阻害し、中国に軍事力を行使する能力を与えることになる120。

145. There is general agreement among witnesses that a Chinese invasion of Taiwan is not inevitable, but is a last resort.122 The CCP is predicted to have the political option to choose military action against Taiwan in 2027, the date by which the PLA has been mandated by the CCP to be ready to perform its core missions, including retaking Taiwan—and the centenary of the PLA’s founding. However, this does not mean that invasion will be inevitable then, nor that the CCP would have military capability by that point, not least because they would need to be able to force match other leading global economies. Other forms of coercion or assault to force occupation could include:

145. 中国共産党は、2027年に台湾に対する軍事行動を選択する政治的選択肢を持つと予測されている。



economic and political coercion
catastrophic cyber attack or economic attack on semiconductor capabilities
economic embargo
economic and food blockade
false-flag humanitarian options
attempts to collapse Taiwanese society from inside.123, 124

台湾社会を内部から崩壊させようとする試み123, 124。

⇒参照・引用元:『UK Parliament』公式サイト「Tilting horizons: the Integrated Review and the Indo-Pacific This is a House of Commons Committee report, with recommendations to government. The Government has two months to respond.」



47. The UK Government should support visits by trade, science and education ministers both inward and outward with Taiwan. (Paragraph 151)


48. Now that the UK is a full member of CPTPP it can and should campaign for Taiwan to be admitted. (Paragraph 155)


49. [The UK’s “One China” policy is not the same as China’s “One China” principle. Rather than agreeing to China’s claim to Taiwan, the UK, like other liberal democracies, merely acknowledges Beijing’s position.] This policy of acknowledgment needs to be better understood across Whitehall departments to prevent policymakers from misspeaking or acting over-cautiously when it comes to interacting with Taiwan and Taiwanese officials. As part of this, the importance of the Taiwan strait, as a safeguard, should be understood. (Paragraph 165)



50. The UK needs to build on its existing cooperation with Taiwan and with like-minded partner countries to help achieve Taiwan’s peaceful objectives and strengthen its resilience. This is not a threat to the CCP, but a friendship with a fellow democracy. (Paragraph 166)


51. The UK Government must identify meaningful activities, and red lines, that enable it to shape and pursue an effective policy of deterrence diplomacy to contribute to the protection of the right of self-determination of the people of Taiwan. The last two decades are mired in failures to deter autocratic countries from pursuing sovereignty through violence and coercion. (Paragraph 168)

51.イギリス政府は、台湾の人々の自決権の保護に貢献するために、抑止外交の効果的な政策を形成し、追求することを可能にする有意義な活動、およびレッドラインを特定しなければならない。過去20年間は、独裁的な国が暴力や強制によって主権を追求することを抑止することに失敗してきた。(パラグラフ168)52. The UK should engage with Taiwanese and other major companies to secure inward investment in the semiconductor and wind industries in the UK to enhance resilience by building an alternative supply source for advanced semiconductors and wind energy components, whether this involves onshoring or friendshoring. (Paragraph 169)


53. The Government should press for Taiwan to take its place in international bodies, including the WHO, the OECD, the IEA and the CPTPP, for the benefit of all countries. (Paragraph 170)


54. We recommend that the Government this year publish a plan to scale up its cooperation with Taiwan over the next five years on English language teaching in Taiwan and Mandarin teaching in the UK to meet the requirements of Taiwan’s Bilingual 2030 programme and the UK’s need to reduce dependence on Confucius Institutes, especially in secondary schools where breaches of freedom of speech will be an issue, just as they have been in universities. (Paragraph 171)




合衆国が認めるのは、あくまでも「US’s “One China Policy”」であって、「China’s “One China Policy”」ではないのです。






