トランプ師匠「優遇措置撤廃」を叫ぶ! 中国・韓国への優遇措置はなくなるかも


現在のアメリカ合衆国政府がWTO(World Trade Organizationの略:世界貿易機関)について不信感を持ち、調停能力を持たないことにいらだっているのは明らか※ですが、ついにトランプ大統領は「途上国についての優遇措置を見直すこと」にtweetで言及しました。

The WTO is BROKEN when the world’s RICHEST countries claim to be developing countries to avoid WTO rules and get special treatment. NO more!!! Today I directed the U.S. Trade Representative to take action so that countries stop CHEATING the system at the expense of the USA!

世界でも最も裕福な国々が発展途上国であると主張し、WTOの規則を免れて特別な扱いを受けている! WTOはぶっ壊れていやがるんだ! もうこれ以上は駄目だ!!! 本日、私はUSTRに行動を起こすように指示した。合衆国を犠牲にする、そういった国々が利用するズルいシステムを止めるんだ!

⇒引用元:Twitter『Donald J. Trump』2019年7月26日-11:29

途上国優遇を不当に受けていると名指しされた国 中国を筆頭に……


Nearly two-thirds of WTO Members have been able to avail themselves of special treatment and to take on weaker commitments under the WTO framework by designating themselves as developing countries.


While some developing-country designations are proper, many are patently unsupportable in light of current economic circumstances. For example, 7 out of the 10 wealthiest economies in the world as measured by Gross Domestic Product per capita on a purchasing-power parity basis – Brunei, Hong Kong, Kuwait, Macao, Qatar, Singapore, and the United Arab Emirates – currently claim developing -country status.Mexico, South Korea, and Turkey – members of both the G20 and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) – also claim this status.



China most dramatically illustrates the point.Since joining the WTO in 2001, China has continued to insist that it is a developing country and thus has the right to avail itself of flexibilities under any new WTO rules.The United States has never accepted China’s claim to developing-country status,and virtually every current economic indicator belies China’s claim.



Notwithstanding these facts and other evidence of economic vibrancy,China and too many other countries have continued to style themselves as developing countries, allowing them to enjoy the benefits that come with that status and seek weaker commitments than those made by other WTO Members.These countries claim entitlement to longer timeframes for the imposition of safeguards, generous transition periods,softer tariff cuts,procedural advantages for WTO disputes,and the ability to avail themselves of certain export subsidies – all at the expense of other WTO Members.These countries have also consistently sought weaker commitments than other WTO Members in ongoing negotiations, which has significantly stymied progress.


⇒参照・引用元:『WhiteHouse』「Memorandum on Reforming Developing-Country Status in the World Trade Organization」





トランプ大統領は、UTSR(United States Trade Representativeの略:合衆国通商代表部)のライトハイザー代表に対して、「90日以内に何らかの進展が得られる」ように動けと下命。これに応えてUTSRでは、ライトハイザー代表の次のような声明を発表しました。

(前略)I applaud the President’s leadership in demanding fairness and accountability at the WTO, and I look forward to implementing the President’s directive.


⇒引用元:『OFFICE of the UNITED STATES TRADE REPRESENTATIVE』「USTR Robert Lighthizer Statement on the President’s Memorandum on Reforming Developing-Country Status in the WTO」

日本の「韓国への優遇措置の撤廃」について、トランプ大統領が静観しているのは自らの「WTO改革の方向性」と合致しているからかもしれません。もし安倍首相がトランプ大統領に相談していたとすると、トランプ大統領から「そうなんだシンゾー! オレもかねてからそう思ってたんだ! 優遇措置は撤廃すべきだ」なんて賛成されたかも……。

